To all of our Friends and Family, Customers and Fans,
We would like to take a moment to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday Season, and also to share with you some of our thoughts and experiences from the past year.
Clearly this has been a busy, and sometimes difficult year, for many of us and that's no different here at Pacific East. Many of our challenges this year have been positive. We have continued working with local university students on various projects. New contacts and sources are always being sought after to find the very best maricultured, tank-bred, and captive raised livestock available anywhere. Anyone who's been in to the shop this year can tell you we've done quite a bit of rearanging and upgrading to allow us to expand our in house aquaculture efforts and add some great new chalices and other corals to our LE selection. All of this is part of our continuing effort to offer you the best possible livestock and the best price, and also to do whatever we can to minimize the effects our wonderful hobby has on the environment and natural reefs.
Other challenges we've faced this year have been somewhat less fun. This economy is unpleasant for everyone, of course. And then there are unique problems that can arrise in this business, like the 215 gallon tank that cracked in the middle of the night. But we think those of you who've seen the rebuild will agree that the new tank is every bit as nice, if not nicer, then the one it replaced. Every difficulty is an opportunity to find ways to improve, after all.
And then there's our favorite part of the work we do, interacting with you! We at Pacific East Aquaculture value every chance we have to interact with our customers, be it having a chat at our retail facility, helping you trouble shoot tank problems over the phone, email, and message boards, or just working with you to make sure you have the best possible livestock for your tanks. MACNA was absolutely fantastic this year as were all the smaller regional and club events we were able to attend. We've had the opportunity to host several of the local clubs here at our retail facility, as well as giving tours to local Senior Centers, school groups, Boy and Girl Scouts, and many others. Educating the public about our work is something we take very seriously, and also enjoy immensly.
All and all it's been a good year. Once again we wish you all a fantastic holiday season and we look forward to working with you in the new year!
Your Friends at Pacific East Aquaculture