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10 years ago I designed and built Pacific East Aquaculture, Inc. located on the Eastern Shore of Maryland in a land called Delmarva, a peninsula surrounded by the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean.
I am Dr. Mac, a retired veterinary pathologist. I started keeping saltwater aquariuums in 1968 and as a kid worked for Marine World in the Chicagoland area, at the time they were one of the nation's largest saltwater fish/invert importers, retailers, and wholesalers. I did everything from unpack and acclimate shipments from around the world to communicating with collectors via Telex and calling wholesale accounts and packing orders for retail stores and helping hobbyists design and set up their systems. This experience gave me a solid foundation of knowledge about the animals and the business so that I could create and conduct my current business in a moral and ethical manner.

I designed my facility with beauty and efficiency in mind. As a kid growing up in the industry I visited many stores around the country and always said that if I ever set up my own facility it would be state of the art and not like the typical "pet shop". Our facility is a coral farm and utilizes an attcahed greenhouse, natural sunlight via Sola Tubes, geothermal heating and air conditioning and also coral system water temp. control, energy effecient 3 HP water circulation pumps, and many other unique designs.